Andaman and nicobar islands – the receptacles of beauty and peace

Andaman and Nicobar Islands – The Receptacles of Beauty and Peace

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands were getting less attention from the world tourists till the date. Formerly these islands were connected through the sea-route only. Now we can go and can easily visit Andaman, the main island, by plane journey, too. These islands are receptacles of beauty, presenting a landscape full with picturesque extravaganza.

These islands are situated in the Bay of Bengal, just a two hours’ flight from India’s Eastern coast.  We can go from Chennai airport or Kolkata airport. The real wealth of these islands is distributed among their dense forest. The virgin forests here have innumerable exotic trees, plants, flowers, and birds, creating a highly poetic and romantic atmosphere.

The main city of Port Blair situated on the main island Andaman is connected by air with major cities of India. The tourists with the budget travels can prefer travelling by sea from the ports of Chennai and Kolkata. The Andaman & Nicobar islands are a group of a total of 572 islands; they are inhabited and some of them are uninhabited. The flora and fauna of these islands suggest that their land has remained away from the main stream of modern civilization.

The main city on these islands is Port Blair where there is a Marine Park made-up of open sea, creeks and 15 small and large islands. It is one of the best Marine Parks of the world.  As the main city Port Blair is a small and peaceful one, the traveller would not find any difficulty in finding accommodation here at cheaper rate.

To explore the other destinations for travelling in India, you can visit the following sites:



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