Antarctica cruise travel guide

Antarctica Cruise Travel Guide

Antarctica is the fifth largest continent in the world, and is the southernmost one. Generally speaking, Antarctica is the least traveled to continent in the world. Here at PureTravel, this in an incomprehensible statistic. Antarctica is like no other continent. It is the highest, windiest, and coldest continent, home to glaciers, penguins, ice flows, and other marvels of nature. Most travelers visit Antarctica during the summer months, largely to avoid the most frigid climate. Antarctica is quite obviously the least habited continent and the least developed, therefore it provides a great means to view mother nature in its purest form.

At 1,295 square kilometres, King George Island is the largest of the South Shetlands and, although it is mostly covered by ice and snow, it manages to be home to no less than twelve different research basis. Countries as diverse as Poland, South Korea and Ecuador have a foothold on the island, but tourists will most probably find the blue-eyed shags, Adelie and chinstrap penguins, southern giant petrels and Antarctic terns more to their liking. Aitcho (‘HO’) Island is one of the few of the South Shetlands where tourists are able to observe gentoo penguins alongside chinstraps, and further highlights include the large lichen and moss beds.

Bridgeman Island is never visited as it is home to an active 240m high volcano and Penguin Island features – yes – even more penguins. Here tourists can also climb the 170m high Deacon Peak and observe the local fur seals, southern giant petrels, skuas and Adelie penguins.

Many different countries have research stations on the Peninsula and, as Antarctica is governed in terms of the Antarctic Treaty, no one country is in charge, and the laws of whatever station a tour group may be visiting are the rules to live by while the group’s there. Some of the bases welcome visits from foreigners but others do not but, occasionally, not only will foreigners be allowed to visit and tour a base, they will also be taken on customized expeditions and given slide shows by base personnel.

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