Arabuko sokoke national park – travel kenya – kenya africas’ safari destination

Arabuko Sokoke National Park – Travel Kenya – Kenya Africas’ Safari Destination

Arabuko Sokoke National Park is located about 110 Kilometers from Mombasa town, between Malindi and Kilifi towns and covers about six square kilometers of the coastal strip. Its gazetted as a natural reserve. The park is home to endangered birds and insects and is the largest tropical forest existing in Eastern Africa.
The coastal region is mostly a tourist zone with great tourist facilities and destinations.Most of coast region is covered by National parks and reserves. This region can be well traveled by motor vehicles since it’s flat with a good road network.It’s usually hot and humid all year with very low rainfall .
The cold sea breezes sweep  through the land lowering the temperatures by day. The temperatures usually range from 22-30 degrees during the day and slightly cooler at night. The region has the largest number of tourist establishments and the best in the country. The white sandy beaches are an attraction on their own with many visitors choosing to enjoy sunbathing in the early morning sunshine.

The Arabuko Sokoke National Park receives rainfall of 900 mm-1000mm in a year. Its easily accessible by road or air using the Malindi airstrip  and Mombasa Airports. Its an excellent location for leisure walks, spotting and photography of different kinds of endangered birds, Butterflies, and the coastal tropical and mangrove forests.
Accommodation facilities existing near the Arabuko Sokoke National Park includes the Temple Point Village, Ocean Sports, famous Hemingway’s, Blue Bay Village, Barracuda Inn, Turtle Bay Beach Club.There is plenty of accommodation in Malindi town and a vibrant night life for the young at heart to keep them entertained all night through!

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