Bodhgaya- the enlightened land

Bodhgaya- The Enlightened Land

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell”.

By: Buddha

A desire to be happy, in fact absolutely happy, is a fundamental desire of all human beings. The Buddha himself said that all human beings have a ‘buddha’ inside them. And when we are able to tap that Buddhahood from within, then absolute happiness automatically becomes our possession. In search of their own self, people come to Bodhgaya.

The very word Bodhgaya fills the heart with a feeling to attain enlightenment. Synonymous with Lord Buddha, Bodhgaya is a sacred city located in the Gaya district of the state of Bihar. It is the divine place where the Lord attained nirvana (enlightenment). Tourists from all over the world come here in search of peace and happiness. The place is dotted with beautiful Buddhist monuments, temples and monasteries.

Main Attractions

Bodhi Tree

The Bodhi tree has sheer importance as it is under this tree where Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment. Although the actual tree is not alive but the sapling of the original tree brought from Sri Lanka was grown here which is still alive. It was in the 3rd century B.C, when the daughter of Emperor Ashoka took the branch of the original tree to Sri Lanka and planted it there. The tree still exists Sri Lanka.

Mahabodhi Temple

Mahabodhi Temple is a shrine which was built by Great king Ashoka at the very site where once the original Bodhi tree stood. Built beautifully, the temple has four towers.

The Great Buddha Statue

It is a beautiful statue of Lord Buddha soaring to a height of eighty feet. Built in red granite and sandstone, the statue is in a meditating posture.

Dungeswari Caves

Located at a distance of 12 km from Bodhgaya, the caves are really interesting. The caves are adorned with arresting statues, stone carvings, paintings and pictures of Lord Buddha.

Bodhi Sarovar

This is the holy pond where Gautam Buddha bathed before going for meditation under the Bodhi tree. It is held in high respect by Buddhists.

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