A historical palace of splendid architecture and art work

A Historical Palace of Splendid Architecture and Art Work

Built according to the Tudor style architectural structure of the Windsor Castle of England, “Bangalore Palace” has a history of over 120 years as a major historic monument in India. Built in 1887 by Reverend Garret in the heart of Bangalore, the palace was previously surrounded by some fascinating gardens in its huge open area which have disappeared to a certain extent today.

Bangalore Palace was constructed occupying a floor area of 45,000 square feet and its vast gardens were occupying about 454 acres around it. All the 35 rooms and the whole palace interior were decorated with floral patterns, graceful wooden carvings, diverse kinds of beautiful paintings and also neo-classical furniture. During the colonial period of the British Empire, the palace was bought from Prince Wodeyar in 1873 by the British elites who were in charge of his education.

The palace includes fortified towers where the visitor could observe most of the stylish wood carvings and paintings in its Tudor-style structure completed with battlements, turrets with Gothic windows. The entrance of the palace has been added a unique elegance by its terrific door panel that leads to the grand settings inside. The exquisite ground floor is comprised with an open square that includes granite seats covered with blue ceramic tiles.

The “Durbar Hall” is located in the first floor of the palace which is sort of a completive hall reachable by the stylish staircase. Its wall area also festooned with one of a kind paintings and a huge elephant head has been built up as to be seen from every corner. Most of the features in the hall such as Gothic style stained glass windows, walls and the sofa set have been colored in Yellow. The paintings including Greek and Dutch paintings of the palace belong to the 19th century. The original cost of the palace has been estimated to be one hundred thousand rupees and up to now it has undergone several renovations adding some modifications to increase its attractiveness.

Apart from that, the palace is surrounded by a variety of Bangalore serviced apartments. Being one of the most premier hospitality services in the country providing all world class facilities and interiors, Somerset serviced apartments is the ideal choice of accommodation when visiting this historic Bangalore Palace.

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