A trip to africa with peace of mind

A Trip to Africa With Peace of Mind

A specialist trip like Africa demands the best from your travel insurance package. You will need a policy that suits your needs, whether that is just a single-trip plan or one that extends beyond your safari.

The best deals on travel insurance are just a few clicks of the mouse away. Visit travel-insurance-discounts to find a quick and easy-to-use service that can be tailor-made to consider the demands of your African adventure. This protection is at a price that will barely register on the total cost of your holiday, yet it could end up being the most important part of your plans.

To get a quote, simply state when you want to go and how long you would like the policy to last, along with the number of persons you want to be covered and their ages. For Africa, simply choose world travel insurance coverage (excluding Canada and the USA). You will then be offered a range of packages designed to suit your needs, from Standard coverage to Essential Plus.

For your African adventure, you will want to be adequately covered to meet the possible demands of a safari. At just a few pounds extra, Essential Plus coverage guarantees solutions to a range of possible scenarios. Direct backpacker insurance coverage

You will be backed up financially in the event of a mugging or even a plane hijacking, all at no excess charge on top of your travel insurance package, which is likely to be less than ?30. Also included is up to ?2 million in personal liability costs and a staggering ?5 million in emergency medical coverage, guaranteeing peace of mind.

And if you miss your departure or even decide to abandon your safari altogether when something unexpected demands your undivided attention, you will be covered for the costs involved. Lost your passport or suffered as the target of a petty theft? A travel insurance plan will ensure these events don’t ruin your African holiday.

The only excess you will have to pay will be ?100 in the event of high medical expenses, compared to thousands or more if you decide to go at it alone without the protection afforded by a tailor-made package.

If you want to keep yourself covered, you can extend the policy past your return date. This way you will be covered for further travel plans during the year and pay less than ?20. Other extras like superior cover will add little to the cost of your package and ensure your coverage is fully-comprehensive while reducing excess payments.

Whether you just choose the single-trip coverage lasting up to 31 days or an extended plan for 12 months, you will have chosen a package that safeguards your African safari holiday, no mater how wild things get. Online single trip insurance

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