Active holidays in paris

Active holidays in Paris

If you are looking to spend the holidays not lounging around but involved in some outdoor activities, France is the place to be. You have a range of options to choose from of what kind of active holiday you wish to go for. You can opt for the bike tours in Paris, Versailles and Giverny or go walking across various regions in France or let someone escort you while you cycle around the country. Whatever you choose, it is sure to be an experience to be remembered for a lifetime.

· Bike Tours in Paris, Versailles, Giverny

These tours offer you the best orientation, an informative and entertaining guide and loads of fun. The Day and Night Tours of Paris are completely different and wonderful in their own unique ways. They also offer you an opportunity to leave Paris and visit the magical palace and gardens of Versailles or discover the Claude Monet’s Gardens at Giverny.

· Escorted Cycling Tours in France

If you love France and you love cycling, this is the opportunity to combine these two passions into a two-wheeled holiday that you will never forget. You will be ravelling through France’s most beautiful areas, staying at carefully selected hotels and sampling the finest regional cuisine.

· Independent Walking Tours in France

Discovering a country on foot is truly one of the best ways of getting to know it intimately, taking in the sights, scents, and atmosphere of the region. Your luggage is moved from hotel to hotel so you need only carry the minimum and can enjoy the flexibility of independent walking at your own pace.

All three of these tours are offered by Paris Provence. These are called active holidays and are a great way to enjoy and experience the beauty of France, all the while keeping yourself in shape. To know more about these holidays, please visit us at

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