Amazing desert in iran tour

Amazing Desert In Iran Tour

desert tours to iran 

great salt desert of central Iran. Located in a basin southeast of the Alburz Mountains, it is approximately 240 miles (390 km) wide. The desert is distinguished by salt crust, caused by the almost rainless climate and intense surface evaporation, lying over treacherous, quicksandlike salt marshes that are almost uninhabited. Settlements are found only in the surrounding mountain ranges.

Iran City Travel and Tourism Guides is a comprehensive travel information center about Iranian cities, Historical sites, and attractions in Yazd Tour and Kharanagh Tour for Daily Tours and Private Vehicle Car – 4 Day Iran Tours by Tours to Yazd and Kharanagh and Desert Tours and more…

Desert tours in Iran is accompanied by expert touring guides, so that travelers are not lost in vast desert lands of Iran while traveling, neither had they fallen down from the back of the ship of the deserts, that is the camels. Riding at camel’s back at the Iran deserts would surely provide the travelers the feel of ancient Arabian myths, which is adventurous and nostalgic at a time.

Desert tours in Iran are short and precise, because it does not offer lavish accommodations to stay in for longer, because life without water can not be survived, and deserts are water-less.

It is advisable to wear bright and colorful clothes during desert tours in Iran as scorching sun rays are only avoidable in this way, because bright colors are bad conductor of heat.

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