Announcing the 2010 flying tortoise marathon and running events

Announcing the 2010 Flying Tortoise Marathon and Running Events

The course for the Flying Tortoise Marathon and Running Events makes a kind of figure eight through the farms and villages in the highlands of San Cristobal, mostly shaded, mostly dirt paths. The course constantly undulates mildly. There are very few flat stretches. Even though we are on the equator, Aug. is a “cool” month, day time high temperature average seventy degrees.

Entry fee for the Marathon $60, half marathon $50 and ten K $40, includes t-shirt and medals. Net proceeds go to the Ignaicio Hernandez high school. The students from the school will be helping with aid stations etc. along with local farmers. Some of the students will also be running in the events.

Enrollment is limited to two hundred fifty participants. Runners from Brazil, Argentina, Chili and of course mainland Ecuador have made commitments to come.

We have put together two packages for international travelers that include hotels, round trip flights to the Galapagos, chartered boat and land tours on and around the islands of San Crisobal, Isabela and Santa Cruz, Galapagos National park guide, food, snorkel equipment, etc. Please see our web site and write for more details, . The difference between the two tours is that one is based out of Guayaquil Ecuador and goes to see Santa Cruz island, the other based out of Quito and includes a day tour of Quito, but not of Santa Cruz island.

It is not a requisite to attend one of these tours to run in the events.

Come To Galapagos can handle plane flights and hotels for those that don’t wish to attend one of the tours, a separate private tour can be designed for the needs of other groups, large and small or you can just register and show up race day.

We’re looking forward to an exciting, unique event and hope to see you here.

Siempre Amor,

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Опубликовано 19 Nov 2010 в 7:13 pm. Рубрика: A. Вы можете следить за ответами к этой записи через RSS.
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