Big parties, sexy women, the nega project

Big Parties, Sexy Women, The Nega Project

Nega Project is more than a Saratov night club. It’s a blind desire to live life on the dark side of happiness and plunge into the whirlpool of pleasure… what? This is how Nega Project describes this ultra hip and popular dance club in Saratov, Russia. The description is just as mysterious as the experience.

The ladies of Nega Project are the epitome of beauty with their short skirts, curled eyelashes, and tempting glances. They pour into the club on Friday and Saturday nights wearing their sexiest outfits. Everywhere you look you can see a stunning Russian woman dancing, talking, or falling in love. The sultry and seductive atmosphere of Nega Project gives everyone a feeling of the sweetest bliss. Random party goers become the best of friends by the night’s end.

A prestigious Russian beauty contest is held each February at Nega Project. To be crowned “Miss Russian Club’s Life in Saratov”, a Russian lady must love to party and know exactly where and how to get it done. She will be beautiful of course, but she will also be stylish, admirable, brilliant, and memorable. The winner will be the envy of Russian women everywhere, with instant access to every hot spot and VIP party around town.

World-renowned DJ’s, a mysterious atmosphere, and the most beautiful Russian women make Nega Project an inevitable stop on your next Russian vacation. There is no true way to explain the intrigue of Nega Project, you just have to experience it for yourself. And after one night of mystifying bliss, chances are you’ll want to go again and again and again…

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