A must visit

the harbour view hong kong – A must visit

So you’ve always heard about HK, but never visited it, or are some what pessimistic as to what you may do in Chinese town. What’s the food going to be like, the people, the culture, the temperature and most important of all what the heck will you do there? Well, these instincts are standard, but not true. You see, I’ve always just heard about HK and its progress in their infrastructure and design, but never had I imagined it to be my favourite city in the world. I’m not Chinese, neither did I have any Chinese buddies convincing me to go. I always knew that I needed to go to China to experience their culture, food and to particularly find out what makes them so unique and different in the world. So, I scheduled a flight to HK and next the thing I knew, I was in HK in the scorching hot summer with 32 degree and 95% humidity. My experience in hong kong was impressive. Words unfortunately have limits ; pictures can only give you a sense of how a town is, but when you actually live in town of hong kong the experience is bind blowing.

Now before I left to hong kong, just like any travel, some research and planning should be done about the city. I searched google endlessly, but failed to find a site with great pro photographs that described the life-style of hong kong and some of the things I should and shouldn’t do in HK. After endless looking, I finally found a perfect website by a student who went to university of Hong Kong to study for one month from university of Toronto. I must say, the way I saw HK was precisely like it was displayed in his footage. Folk just relaxing on the side of the roads, loads of construction employees just working round the clock and variety of food offered by different street vendors. If your interested in visiting HK, then visiting his site is an absolute must and even if your not especially interested in hong kong, then just checking out the city is still a thrill!

Hong Kong Photos:

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