Baku – azerbaijan, a conservative city with the mix of old and new facing the tourist in a facinating blend

Baku – Azerbaijan, a Conservative City With the Mix of Old and New Facing the Tourist in a Facinating Blend

The city of Baku is the capital city of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Baku is, located on the western shore of the Caspian Sea at the tip of Azerbaijan. Petroleum is Baku’s main economic resource and it is one of the world’s largest producers of oil.

There is an Old Town, a Boomtown and a section of modern Soviet influenced buildings, each clearly defined by physical appearance. In Old Town, you find the cobbled streets, narrow alleys and old and ancient buildings, including a number of mosques, which blend in with the surrounding buildings. In the Boomtown section there is evidence of an economic boom in the beaux-arts architecture, fine arts galleries, and history and literature museums. Here you find the mansions of millionaires from the pre-revolution period. Then there is the section rebuilt during the Soviet control period comprised of tall, modern buildings and the Soviet influenced architecture. The busy wide streets have shops, restaurants and hotels; missing from other parts of the city.

Baku has two rail stations, which include a market area. There are buses, trams, trolleys, trains and rental cars for getting around in the city and outlying areas. A tourism information center is open in Baku and ready to welcome all tourists. Tourists need passports! Tourists from some countries can get a visa at the Airport. Check with your travel agent regarding rules for entering Georgia and for other information. Baku is a conservative city, be observant of local customs. Women do not smoke in public in Baku.

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