Bali's natural bounty

Bali's Natural Bounty

One of the world’s top tourist destinations, Bali attracts millions of people around the world year after year. Although what makes Bali so appealing to millions of tourists can be hard to pin down, it is likely a combination of the warmth and friendliness of the Balinese people, a rich cultural and spiritual experience, a whole host of things to see and do topped off with a pleasant tropical climate.

Tourism is the driving force behind the growth and prosperity of Bali and most of it is concentrated in the south of the island. In many parts of the island locals still earn their living through small scale fishing and agriculture. Bali’s main exports include textiles, garments, furniture, handicrafts and souvenirs constructed by artisans in small workshops utilising local techniques and skills passed down from generation to generation.

Bali is home to a chain of six volcanoes, ranging in height between 1,350 meters and 3,014 meters stretching from the west to east coast of the island, Eruptions over the centuries have left Bali with extremely fertile soil from eroded lava deposits. A testament to Bali’s agricultural prowess, the island exports rice, tea, coffee, tobacco, cacao, copra, vanilla, soy beans and chilies, as well as a variety of tropical fruits, and vegetables.

Visitors to Bali who travel beyond the tourist confines of the south will be blown away at the natural beauty and variety of tropical plants and animals all over the island. Huge banyan trees adorn sleepy villages and decorate temple grounds, tamarind trees abound in north Bali, while the highlands are home to clove trees with acacias, flame trees, and mangrove forests in the south. Additionally, Bali is also home to more than a dozen species of coconut palms and even more varieties of bamboo.

Flowers are always in bloom in Bali. Fragrances and colours fill the air from hibiscus, bougainvillea, jasmine, and water lilies. Temple entrances and houses are decorated with magnolias, frangipani, and a wide variety of orchids. Young Balinese women adorn themselves with flowers – the sight of blossoms in a dancer’s head or even a simple flower behind the ear of a waitress is normal in Bali.

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Опубликовано 07 Jan 2011 в 6:09 pm. Рубрика: B. Вы можете следить за ответами к этой записи через RSS.
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