Bandipur tour- get wild

Bandipur Tour- Get Wild!

Park Tour. Visited by tourists from all over the world, this Park occupies a prized place on the tourist map of India. It is well known for its high density of tiger population and a variety of other wildlife species. Considering its importance UNESCO is thinking to bestow the title of World Heritage Site on this Park. The main attractions of the park are the Royal Bengal tiger and Indian elephants.

The Park is located in the enchanting state of Karnataka. Rich in bio-diversity, the park offers a great opportunity to tourists to treat their eyes with the sights of enchanting drama of nature in the wild. The Park is fed by the beautiful rivers Kabini, Moyar and Nagur. The view of the rivers flowing through the park is a sight to behold. The vegetation of the Park encompasses wonderful species of flowers, fruits, timber trees and shrubs.

Some of the attractive inhabitants of the Park are Barking deer, Leopard, Tiger, Wild Dhole, boar, Four-horned Antelope, Hyena and Chevrotain. The Park is also a home to some threatened species such as Crocodiles, Python, Elephant, Tiger and Sloth Bear.

And if the sight of a bird make your heart flutter, then the Park has a lot to overwhelm you. An array of beautiful birds are spotted here like Malabar Trogon, Malabar Pied Hornbill, Plain Flowerpecker, Brown Hawk Owl, Red-headed Vulture and Woolly-necked Stork.

Some interesting species of reptiles are also found here: Rat Snake, Water Snake, Common Cobra, Python, Frog, Tree frog, Toad  Marsh Crocodile, Lizard, Adder, Viper, etc. The most propitious time to visit Bandipur National Park is from April to October. Enjoy jeep safari or elephant safari to explore the park.

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