Bangkok red light districts – practical guide on avoiding getting ripped off in a go go bar

Bangkok Red Light Districts – Practical Guide on Avoiding Getting Ripped Off in a Go Go Bar

Bangkok’s red light districts can be a whole lot of fun. The loud blaring music, the cheap booze and oh yes hordes of bar girls is a simple formula for a night to remember. But Bangkok’s nightlife adult entertainment can be ripe with rip offs and unscrupulous characters who target the new and uninitiated. If that’s you – then found below how you can remove that bulls eye off of your head.

Yes the majority of people working in Bangkok’s sex industry are friendly and accommodating. But if you give them a chance to suck a few hundred or so Baht out of you they will. Especially if they know you are a first timer.

Take for example a typical scene in a go go bar. You will always get asked by a bar girl if it is your first time in Bangkok or not. This isn’t their way of practicing their English skills, it’s just their way of sizing you up in terms of how much they are going to charge you for their services. So a typical short time (1 hour) rendezvous with a bar girl is typically 1500THB to 2000THB. If you admit your a newbie it goes up to 2500THB to 3000THB.

You should also carry smaller Thai bills, like 100THB and 500THB. It’s much simpler and easy went it comes to paying your drink bill and avoid getting short changed by crooked waitresses. It’s not a common occurrence. But it happens.

It also helps that you refrain yourself from getting too drunk especially if you are alone. If you are visibly wasted then you’re increasing your risk of getting your whole wallet stolen.

Finally be wary of how much money you are actually handing out. The 100THB and 500THB bills are similar in color. Since most go go bars in Bangkok are lit in red both bills look even more similar. So do keep those separate.

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