Booking a luxury safari in kenya needn’t be a wild experience

Booking a Luxury Safari in Kenya Needn’t be a Wild Experience

As the sun sets over the horizon and the sound of nature starts to populate the warm night air, surely there can’t be many ‘once in a lifetime’ holidays much greater than a luxury safari in Kenya? Once a domain for the super rich only, now getting up close to Africa’s most famous and photogenic hunters can be enjoyed by anyone with a taste for adventure.

A little bit of research will bring up hundreds if not thousands of tour guides and safari resources, so save a little time by having a few specifics in mind before you search for that perfect safari. First of all, consider who is going to go on it; if it’s a family holiday add this to your search, as many safaris are tough going and tend to allow adults only. To make your search easier and to ensure the best holiday for your money, here are some simple tips to follow.

It’s important to remember that you are about to book the holiday of a lifetime, not a week all-inclusive in a resort, so don’t expect the process to necessarily be as straightforward as a standard holiday booking, as several factors may have to be considered. Every bit of research you put into finding the best operator and guide will be worth it though, as it will translate into a better experience once you arrive.

A specialist holiday like this deserves a specialist travel operator, so avoid the usual High Street names and seek out the guys in the know. Similarly, who better to ask than people that have been there before? Get on to online travel review sites for the best word of mouth advice, as it is always the most accurate.

Tourism, in particularly safari, is a lifeblood in Kenya, so don’t show up at Kenya International Airport and expect to be able to book the safari of your dreams on a budget, as the whole process will be rushed, confusing and ultimately more costly than researching and booking through a respected operator. Of course a country as vast as Kenya deserves a lengthy stay to be appreciated fully, so try to aim for a minimum of at least 10 days.

Once your there, your hard work will hopefully have paid off as a guide comes to pick you up directly from the airport and discusses your trip itinerary with you, drives you to your luxury accommodation and probably brings you dinner too – avoiding a lot of potential hassle after a long trip and no doubt jetlag.

Needless to say, on a safari trip comprehensive insurance is a must. As well as the obvious danger involved in getting up close to wild animals, good medical cover is a requirement when visiting many African countries, and make sure that it includes all activities you may be partaking in.

Finally don’t forget extra camera film, or memory cards, as Kenya safaris always require a lot of photographs!

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