Bratislava – slovakia, a wonderful place for those who enjoy learning the history and culture of cities

Bratislava – Slovakia, a Wonderful Place for Those Who Enjoy Learning the History and Culture of Cities

Bratislava is the capital city of Slovakia and wonderful place for those who enjoy learning the history and culture of cities, which have a long and ancient story to tell. The museums, cathedrals and medieval castles reveal a past often buried beneath the very building, in which you stand listening to its story. The city of Piestany is near Bratislava and is famous for the health treatment spas and quality services. Slovakia is a country striving to become, better known through the tourist industry by promoting its cities.

Bratislava sits on the banks of the Danube River and during the reign of Maria Teresa, the city was Pressburg, the capital of the Kingdom of Hungary. The city was at its greatest and Maria Teresa referred to that time as the golden era of Pressburg. Bratislava possesses a Mediterranean flare, and it is a city blooming with charm. There are four tourist information centers in Bratislava to assist tourists and make their stay a memorable experience.

Bratislava offers accommodations at more than seventy hotels, hostels, guesthouses and a village of Chalets. The city offers special housing arrangements youth groups in dormitories, youth hostels and private homes. The city centre has a restaurant, caf?, bar or pub on every corner, offering Slovak cuisine and other traditional foods. Bratislava offers nightclubs, discos, cocktail bars, great concerts and dance bands, for those who want a nightlife scene. Tourists enjoy shopping in center city and in the specialty shops and open-air market in Old Town.

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