Australia's pristine rainforest's, white sandy beaches and the great barrier reef

Australia's pristine rainforest's, white sandy beaches and the Great Barrier Reef

Australia’s beauty,White sand stretching for miles with a magnificent backdrop of pristine rainforests,

With few people and no smog. Where in the world is this magical place, where you can relax,unwind and enjoy life they way you were meant to? This place is known as the GREAT BARRIER REEF, QUEENSLAND, Australia.

The Great Barrier Reef stretches for over 2000 kilometers of the coast of Queensland,stretching from Bundaberg all the way to the far north of Queensland Cape York, and is made up of a collage of 3000 individual reefs and small islands such as Keppell ,Herron ,Magnetic,Hamilton,and numerous other Islands some that have seen no humans for a long time.

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the worlds seven natural wonders,and is a unique and fragile environment home to an abundance of marine life someone found here on this Reef.  This region is pristine , sand cays and deserted, palm fringed beaches, perfect for that romantic holiday getaway. Snorkeling and diving are activities that one must do as the under water world is truly magical,with magnificent and delicate corals, beautiful marine gardens, home to giant clams and masses of vibrant and colorful fish, schools of which dart and swim around the divers.

Depending on when one travels through this region you may be fortunate enough to see some of the most interesting and breath taking phenomenon such as the coral spawning or baby logger head turtles making a dash for the ocean after hatching on the beach.

There is so much to see and do with organised travel providers to the locals where you can enjoy the legendary Australian BBQ and throw a shrimp on the barbie. Yum.

Favorite daytime destinations are many some of the more popular tourist destinations are Hamiliton Island with an international 5 star resort to Green, Fitzroy,and Herron Islands providing you with a glimpse of life in this the most beautiful of natural wonders.

There are an endless variety of tours including a boat trip out to the reef proper, this trip is well worth taking. It includes lunch, snorkeling on the reef and a trip in  the glass bottomed submarine for a close and personal view of the corals that make up the reef. You may be lucky enough to meet the giant groper that inhabits the waters around this area. He is an extremely inquisitive and friendly fish that will take titbit’s from your hand, this experience alone is something you will remember for the rest of your life.

Further north at Port Douglas you can take a boat ride out to the low isles for some more diving or just enjoying the balmy and romantic atmosphere,. Back on land get out and meet the locals and the indigenous Australian, who will be only to happy to show and explain their culture to you. Try the indigenous restuarants, and visit the art galleries displaying indigenious art. Aboriginal art tells a story so when you purchase one of their works ensure you get the story the works depict and a letter of authenticity.

Australia has so much to offer the traveler and the Great Barrier reef is just one of many wonders found on this unique continent Australia.

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