A caribbean adventure with an east indian culture twist

A Caribbean Adventure with an East Indian Culture Twist

You don’t have to fly half way around the world to experience East Indian culture, or enjoy its mysteries.

That’s right! Just escape to the Caribbean for some fun, sun, and sandy beaches and you can also discover a vibrant enclave of authentic Indian culture.

And the source of this enigmatic cultural duality?

The Exotic and the Exciting

Trinidad and Tobago are the most southerly islands in the blue Caribbean Sea. Sister islands where, believe it of not, 42% of the population is of East Indian decent, and where you can experience exotic East Indian festivals like Phagwa, the Hindu festival of colour; Diwali, the festival of lights; and Hosay parades. But it doesn’t stop there…

The Sensual and the Sublime

Trinidad and Tobago’s cultural diversity makes for the most exciting eating in the Caribbean. It’s a must for traveling gourmets, where food tourists relish such East Indian inspired delicacies as Trinidad Roti, Doubles, Baiganee, Phoulorie, Saheena, and curried mango to mention just a few. And…

East Indian culture has made other major impacts upon these sunny shores; for example: Trinidad boast the tallest statue of Hanuman, the monkey faced Hindu god, outside of India. And Chutney Soca, a calypsofied brand of East Indian music, is competing with Bollywood for the hearts and minds of young Trinidadians. It is this incredible fusion of sights, sounds and flavors that makes Trinidad and Tobago the most exciting cultural experience in the Caribbean.

The Passion and the Parade

Let’s add further to this cultural callaloo by letting you in on a not so well kept secret, Trinidad is one of the worlds premiere carnival destinations, rivaling Carnival in Rio de Janeiro and Mardi Gras in New Orleans, and is arguably the world’s greatest show. Trinidad Carnival is an event that everyone who loves excitement and adventure should experience at least once. The spectacle defies description, and here’s the kicker… You are personally invited to join this amazing party.

The Misty and the Mysterious

Whether you’re a naturalist, birder, hiker, scuba diver, or just Joe-average explorer, Trinidad and Tobago has the adventure you seek. High in the steamy rainforest covered peaks of Trinidad and Tobago, and in its misty lagoons, hide and intangible array of birds and other wildlife; exotic endangered creatures like the West Indian Manatee and the Golden Tree Frog, that wait… Yes, wait in primal wilderness to be personally discovered by you.

The Tranquil and the Tempting

These enigmatic twin islands offer the most authentic Caribbean experience available. Not the watered down, theme park islands so often served to tourists, but the real Caribbean, with an exciting diversity of beaches where if you wish you can wine down, or while away the hours as you escape the world, only to find your self refreshed, renewed and rejuvenated.

Trinidad and Tobago offers more choice, more fun, and more excitement. So enjoy both the real Caribbean, and authentic East Indian culture on the adventure of your lifetime.

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