Best places to dive

Best Places To Dive. The World’s Prettiest Coral Reefs, Islands, Holes And Scuba Destinations

Are you tired of snorkeling in the public pool? Well it’s about time you got your fins together and went on a real SCUBA adventure. Where can you start? Here are a few suggestions:

Palau, Micronesia

Palau is considered to be one of the most exciting diving sites in the world. There are over 100 dive sites along the 90 mile coral lagoon of Palau. You will find Blue holes, underwater caverns and a colorful variety of exotic marine species. Sharks, turtles, dolphins and rare fish gather at Palau at the crossroads of three of the world’s major ocean currents.

The Galapagos Islands

These magnificent islands rest on the Pacific Ocean, 972 km west of mainland Ecuador. The Islands are a heaven, a garden, an alternative universe for wild life. In a short visit under the sea of the Galapagos you are most likely to discover a new fish and maybe get lucky enough to have it named after you.

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The Disney Land of diving features thousands of sites and the largest coral reef in the world. There are over 2900 reefs and 900 islands stretching along 2600 km from Gladstone to Cape Tribulation. A large part of the reef is a protected marine park, but we’re sure that you will find a nice enough spot to dive in.

California, La Jolla Cove

The entrance takes quite a few steps down, through a rocky cove and resting sun-tanners. Just beyond the entrance, you will find a large kelp forest and rocky area, beginning in 6 feet of water, and heads out to La Jolla Canyon. This is a great place to see local fish and crustaceans, and maybe even a shark or two. Down the coast is by far the best place to see huge variety of what this cold water haven has to offer. The Cove is protected, so you cannot take anything to keep as a souvenir.

Egypt, The Blue Hole.

In the Red Sea shore of the Sinai Desert, rests the blue hole. Surrounded with Bedwyn merchants, selling everything from diving gear to local food, the Blue Hole is one of the world most famous diving sites. The site doesn’t look like much until you realize that the sea floor drops abruptly away from the coastline. Many divers risked their lives in this hole. The tunnel that connects the hole with the open sea is more than 50 meters deep, that’s when nitrogen narcosis begins to influence.

California, Kelp Beds – Spring Fall

When the sun is out, and the water is clear, you will feel like you are diving in a cathedral. The beauty and life of these underwater forests are endless. This can be a tough dive, due to the fact that you can get caught up in the kelp. But we’re all about adventure, aren’t we?
Limitless Adventures would like to invite you to join us on a customized SCUBA diving adventure. Whether you’re a beginner who wants to get certified and complete your first Open Water dive, or you’re an advanced diver looking to further your skills, we take care of everything! Check out and explore our best SCUBA destinations: The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, Zanzibar in Tanzania, Southern California, and many more. designs, customizes, and promotes safe and fun adventures all over the world.

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